
The Pathways program is the core of the Toastmasters educational experience. Through participation in Pathways at the club level and beyond, members develop the skills to achieve their communication and leadership goals.

Introduction & FAQ

If you’re brand new to Pathways, welcome! Toastmasters International’s Introduction to Pathways provides an overview of the program, and their Pathways FAQ provides answers to a list of common questions about Pathways.

Base Camp Manager Duties

If you’re a Base Camp Manager for your club, you have some additional responsibilities. Learn more about your role in this summary of Base Camp Manager duties (PDF) from Toastmasters International.

DTM Requirements

Wondering what it takes to earn your Distinguished Toastmaster award in the Pathways program? Toastmasters International has published a side-by-side comparison of the two educational tracks. For a visual overview of the Pathways DTM requirements, be sure to check out this illustrated path to Distinguished Toastmaster (PDF).

Catalog & Kits

Our friends in District 4 have put together a comprehensive collection of information about the nuts and bolts of the Pathways program. Take some time to look through their Pathways catalog.

Additionally, Toastmaster Charlotte Drake has assembled a set of kits for most of the paths in the Pathways program. These are not official Pathways resources, and are not a replacement for tracking your progress in Base Camp, but many people have found them to be a helpful supplement as they transition into Pathways. You can download each kit in ZIP format below:

Further Questions & Contacts

If you didn’t find an answer to your Pathways questions in the materials above, chatting with your club’s VP of Education is the next best place to start. If you need additional assistance, please contact us directly.