See announcement for details.
Two More Trainings
Two countries, two trainings—take your pick!
Congratulations, Jiv!
Find out more about District 28 member Jivitha Siddharthan, our Region 6 Regional Quarterfinal International Speech Contest winner.
Two Timely Trainings
Still waiting to attend a TLI? Don’t wait much longer!
See You In Chatham!
If you haven’t had a chance to attend a TLI yet this summer, you’ll have another opportunity on the evening of Wednesday, July 17th. Please mark your calendars and join us at our . This event is especially important for officers, but all members are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!
Announcing Our New Speakers Bureau Site
We just relaunched the District 28 site earlier this month, and now we’re excited to announce the launch of a standalone site for our District 28 Speakers Bureau!
Unleash Your Message With Paul Artale
What story do you need to tell the world? Learn the science and the soul of storytelling in this special workshop on June 15th.
Don’t Miss This Chance to Make a Difference!
Are you looking for an opportunity to develop and share your Toastmasters talents? Want to earn Toastmasters credit at the same time? You can do both by sponsoring, mentoring, or coaching a Toastmasters club.
It’s That Time Again…
Summer is just around the corner, and with it, our transition to the Toastmasters year that begins July 1st. Find out how you can finish strong and get a head start on the new year!
The new District 28 website is here! We’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’re excited to introduce this latest iteration of our site. There are more changes and more content in the pipeline, but here are a few of the improvements we’ve made so far.