2019–2020 District Leadership Committee Report

The report of the 2019–2020 District Leadership Committee is as follows:

April 16, 2020

Dear Madam District Director:

On behalf of the committee and after much deliberation, I am pleased to present the report of the 2019–2020 District 28 Nominating Committee. This year’s committee was chaired by Jeff Kirsch, DTM, PDG, and included Artisha Lawson, DTM (Division A), Roger Julie (Division C), Linda Anger, DTM (Division D), Cathy Trudeau, DTM (Division E), Regina Banks-Hall, DTM (Division F), Liz Cezat (Division G), Greg Stockton, (Division H) and Kathleen Coutts-Umstead, DTM (Division I). The committee operated in accordance with the procedural rules found in Protocol 9.0 with regard to all interviews, deliberations, and votes.

We hereby nominate the following members for the positions listed below. Pursuant to Protocol 11(B), the Nominating Committee will present these nominees for vote at the annual meeting at the Spring Conference in May 2020. All candidates have received a copy of the protocol pertaining to district campaigns and elections and are aware of the rules applicable to campaigning and the restrictions of participation in district events.

For the office of:

District Director
LaShon Bowers, DTM, PDD
Program Quality Director
  • John Salalila, DTM, PDG
  • Carlyle Carvalho, DTM
Club Growth Director
Ray Rivero, DTM
Division A Director
Gayle Lawson, DTM
Division C Director
Joel Book
Division D Director
Marvin Pitts, DTM
Division E Director
Linda Orlando
Division F Director
James Brown, DTM
Division G Director
(no nominee)
Division H Director
Larry Castleberry
Division I Director
Robert Allan McKenzie

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the committee by

Jeffery B. Kirsch
District 28 Nominating Committee Chair

Update: Carlyle Carvalho has withdrawn his nomination for the position of Program Quality Director, and will run for the position of Division G Director.

Nominations From the Floor

The nominations for the Club Growth Director and Division G Director positions are invalid because the nomination requirements for each position were not met. We have one nominee for Club Growth Director, but the requirement for this position is two nominees. We have no nominee for Division G Director. Because the nominations for these positions are invalid, all candidates for these positions—including any candidates nominated by the DLC—must run from the floor and comply with the requirements listed below.

For all positions in the report with valid nominations (i.e. all positions other than Club Growth Director and Division H Director), candidates who have been interviewed by the DLC and have not been nominated may still run from the floor, provided they comply with the requirements listed below.

In summary:

All floor candidates for any position must:

  • meet the qualification requirements outlined in the District Administrative Bylaws
  • declare their intent to run in writing to the DLC Chair at least seven days prior to the election
  • submit their District Leadership Agreement and Release Statement to the District Director at least seven (7) days prior to the election

In addition, floor candidates for positions with valid nominations must:

  • have been interviewed by the 2019–2020 District Leadership Committee

No nominations from the floor will be allowed during the District Council meeting.

District Council Meeting & Candidates’ Corner

Our District Council meeting will take place on May 16th, 2020. Candidate statements from both nominated and floor candidates will be posted on our virtual Candidates’ Corner, located on the District Council meeting event page.