It’s That Time Again…

If you’ve looked at your Club Leadership Handbook (PDF) lately, you may have noticed that Toastmasters clubs are expected to “hold elections at the first meeting in May, with new officers taking office July 1.” Electing your incoming officer team now gives them a chance to shadow the current team and attend a Toastmasters Leadership Institute before the start of their term on July 1st.

Speaking of Toastmasters Leadership Institutes, we have a definite date of June 22nd nailed down for our upcoming Toledo TLI, as well as a tentative date of June 15th for our Dearborn event. More dates and locations will be added as they’re finalized, so keep an eye on our event calendar and plan to attend a training near you!

One Last Thing

Okay, two last things:

  1. Remember to submit your officer list for the 2019–2020 Toastmasters year to Toastmasters International as soon you elect your new team.
  2. All of your officers should plan to attend a TLI.

By submitting your new officer list on time and ensuring that the new team gets trained, you’ll have earned half of two different DCP points toward next year (Goals 9 and 10 in the Distinguished Club Program) before July 1st rolls around. Your new officers will thank you, your club will thank you, and so will we.