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July 2021
Area 2 Potluck
Join the Toastmasters of Area 2 (Advanced Articulators, Cooper Tire, Findlay Old Millstream, Fremont, Seneca and Sunrise Toastmasters of Findlay) for a potluck/installation on Thursday, July 1st! You'll find us at Fausey Pavilion in Fremont's Conner Park. Bring: family and friends a dish to share your own table service an appetite and a smile RSVP appreciated, but not required. Contact Arlene Rahm-Scherf at with any questions. Agenda 5:30 PM Forks 6:30 PM Gavel
Find out more »August 2021
Supplemental Club Officer Training
This supplemental club officer training will provide knowledge and tools for club officers and Toastmasters members to implement in their own clubs. The education and training event focuses on serving you, the club officers of District 28, to enable you to lead your club to excellence, distinction, and distinguished club status. Workshop topics include: Training on the role & responsibility of each club officer position Explanation of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP), along with the Club Success Plan and Moments…
Find out more »Supplemental Club Officer Training
This supplemental club officer training will provide knowledge and tools for club officers and Toastmasters members to implement in their own clubs. The education and training event focuses on serving you, the club officers of District 28, to enable you to lead your club to excellence, distinction, and distinguished club status. Workshop topics include: Training on the role & responsibility of each club officer position Explanation of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP), along with the Club Success Plan and Moments…
Find out more »Noon Novi Toastmasters Speech Workshop
The Noon Novi Toastmasters Club cordially invites all interested Toastmasters to a speech workshop, to be held on Friday, August 6, 2021. For more information, contact Joanna Martinez, VP Membership, Noon Novi Toastmasters.
Find out more »September 2021
District Council Meeting
District council meetings are gatherings of our District officers, Immediate Past District Director and two (2) representatives from each Member Club in our District. There will be presentations from specific district officers and a vote regarding this year's district budget in the planned agenda. The agenda and any additional documentation for this District Council meeting will be made available no later than Saturday, September 4, 2021. This district council meeting will be hosted online using the Zoom video conferencing platform.…
Find out more »District 28 Awards Ceremony
Our District 28 Awards Ceremony celebrates success from our previous 2020-2021 Toastmasters year at every level: individual Toastmaster, club, area, division, and district! This hybrid gathering, both in-person and on Zoom, provides us an opportunity to herald and cheer for accomplishments at all levels. We welcome Past International Director and Accredited Speaker Ross Mackay as our special guest and opening speaker. If you would like to attend in-person or online, please fill out and submit this Award Ceremony RSVP form…
Find out more »Innovative Orators Plaid and Pumpkins Fall Networking Event
Join Innovative Orators Toastmasters Club for a fun night of networking, games, and a chance to polish your presentation skills! Dress in your best 'Plaid' or 'Pumpkin' for a chance to win the Best Dressed Contest! Please RSVP through EventBrite.
Find out more »October 2021
Tech Talk Toastmasters Speech Evaluation Workshop
Learning how to give feedback constructively is an invaluable tool in our personal and professional lives. There are many situations where we need to give constructive feedback and we want the receiver to take the suggestions on board without being defensive. Some examples are giving a colleague formal feedback in the workplace, providing feedback to a service provider, or providing informal feedback to friends, family, or children. If we provide this feedback well, we are more likely to achieve a…
Find out more »Club Coach and Club Mentor Training Session
Attend this free, one-hour workshop to learn more about the club coach and the club sponsor role! Learn how to guide a newly chartered club to Distinguished status. Learn how to coach a club with twelve or fewer members to Distinguished status. Enhance your communication and leadership skills. Build your network of fellow Toastmasters. Earn credit for district service toward your Distinguished Toastmaster award. Where: hosted online using Zoom. Register by clicking on this Zoom Club Coach and Club Sponsor…
Find out more »Region 6 Town Hall – How to Make Hybrid Meetings Work
Looking to help make your Toastmasters club hybrid meeting smoother and more engaging? Our special guest, Past International Director, Alan Shaner, DTM, will be our facilitator and presenter for this evening.
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