[D28_community] Club Facebook Pages

Cleo Parker cparker at twmi.rr.com
Tue Jul 26 09:05:35 EDT 2011


I'm wondering how many of the D28 clubs have Facebook pages.  It's really
hard for me to search for them without getting every TM club in the world
(literally) and it's challenging to just find the clubs in our area.   I was
thinking if we can make an effort to all "like" each other (don't we
already?) and comment on one another's pages we would all benefit with
greater visibility, traffic and hopefully - Members!! 

The Dearborn Dynamic Page is here:

Don't forget when you have 25 "likes" you can customize the URL such as ours
is with the name of your club at the end instead of some gibberish code.

Please share - I hope to be liking some of the other D28 clubs on Facebook


P.S. If anyone needs a push or some assistance starting a club FB page, I'd
be happy to help

Cleo Parker
cparker at twmi.rr.com

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