[D28_community] Billboards for Toastmasters

Kevin Olmstead kevinolmstead76 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 2 10:42:14 EST 2007

D28 Community----this is to tell you that CBS Outdoors, our billboard company for the Wayne/Oakland/Macomb county area, has told me that public service announcment (read "free") billboards for Toastmasters should be posted as of TODAY, March 2.   As they are free, they might be up for only a short time, until they get paying clients for those spaces.   The spaces are in:
  Pontiac, on South Boulevard west of Woodward, and
  Warren, on Grossbeck north of 9 Mile.  
  If any of you see these and can snap a picture with your cell phone or a digital that you could forward to me at kevinolmstead76 at yahoo.com,  I'd appreciate it!  Please include your name and TI designation.   The clearest/best shots in the opinion of whatever judges I can gather will be included in a future edition of the Cornerstone!   
  Thanks, and have a great weekend!
  ----Kevin Olmstead, DTM
     District 28 PRO
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