[D28_community] It's Spring, and fancy turns to thoughts of Toastmasters

Kevin Olmstead kevinolmstead76 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 2 15:43:38 EDT 2007

D-28 Community----
  OK, maybe your fancy doesn't necessarily turn to thoughts of Toastmasters, but as your District PRO there are a few things I wanted to bring to your attention, along with some items that others on the District Leadership Team wanted brought up.
  First, the Spring Conference is just 2 weeks from this coming weekend!   If you've sent in your registration already, THANK YOU!   If you haven't, there's still time to do that either by mail (print the form off the District website) or on-line using your credit card to pay by Paypal.  You can register for all or part of the conference.   
  If you want to stay at the Westin Hotel, the deadline for getting the conference rate of $86 per night has been extended to THIS FRIDAY, April 6.
  If you are a club President or VP of Education and haven't otherwise recieved a big white envelope from Todd Brockdorf, it will be arriving in the mail this week.   Please plan to attending the District Meeting on Saturday, April 21---there will be important discussions and votes, and we need YOU to make sure we have a quorum.   If you can't attend, please see if somebody can carry the club's proxy---instructions for that are included in the envelope.  
  The District 28 bookstore will be open at the conference on Saturday.  It is fully stocked with wonderful items for sale, including speech and leadership manuals, Better Speaker and Successful Club Series scripts, gift items, and much more!  Please bring some extra cash or your checkbook and stock up. 
  Clubs or individuals wishing to purchase an ad in the conference program should contact Conference Chair Mary Comfort this week at mary at sinda-comfort.com.  Ads are a great way to announce club anniversaries or special events, or congratulate members who have achieved special milestones.  
  That's Conference news----now, other reminders from YOUR District Leadership Team:
  From Karen Holland, LGET:    Club officer elections are to be held at the first meeting in May (for terms that begin in July), so it's time to start talking about club leadership opportunities with your members.   Now.  Please.  
  And, from all of us on the Leadership Team, especially Vicki Brannon, LGM:  
  Ahem.  Dues were due YESTERDAY, April 1.   No Fooling!    If your club has not submitted its dues yet, or you still have more dues to collect and submit, please do so as soon as possible!   Remember---you can submit 6 or more dues payments on-line, and get your club into "paid status"; you can then pay for additional members later on, also on-line.   So, DON'T hold your dues payment until the last straggler pays, please!   If you need help with doing the on-line payments, contact any District Leadership Team member, and we'll walk you through it.  
  A BIG reminder to clubs with a contestant who has made the District Contests----the CLUB dues must be in, INCLUDING dues for your contestant, as the requirement is that the Contestant must be a member in good standing in a club in good standing.   We don't want any unpleasant situations marring what will be some GREAT contests at the conference!   
  Thanks all, and we hope to see YOU at the District Conference!  Have a great April!
  ----Kevin Olmstead, DTM
      District 28 PRO
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